Peter Sets The Stage For The Purpose Of The Letter
“Peter Sets The Stage For The Purpose Of The Letter” is a sermon preached from 2 Peter 1:1-2 by Noah Olguin, pastor of Covenant Baptist Church in New Berlin, Wisconsin – a confessional Reformed Baptist church subscribing to the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith.
Today we begin our study in Second Peter, after concluding our look at the first letter in the Petrine corpus. Aside from both letters bearing Peter’s name, many scholars believe that is where their similarities end. While First Peter is among the 22 New Testament books universally recognized as canonical, there has been disagreement over Second Peter. As we examine the reception of the canon, we classify Second Peter as a “disputed book.”
The historian Eusebius notes that by the 4th century, most of the early church had accepted Second Peter as Scripture. Michael Kruger, a New Testament professor and academic dean at Reformed Theological Seminary, argues in his book Canon Revisited that no book had a more difficult journey into the canon than Second Peter.
Today, Second Peter is widely regarded as pseudonymous, with many scholars dating it to the early 2nd century. Even John Calvin, in his commentary on Second Peter, acknowledges the disagreements about its authorship. While he notes stylistic differences between the two letters, Calvin concludes that Peter authored it, though it may have been written by a disciple under Peter’s direction due to his old age. Other scholars, like Michael Kruger and Thomas Schreiner, argue for traditional authorship and an earlier date.
One argument for traditional authorship is external evidence. For example, First Clement (96 AD) quotes or refers to material in Second Peter, showing the letter’s early existence. Early church fathers ultimately accepted it as the Word of God.
The internal evidence is also compelling. The author identifies himself as Simeon Peter, an uncommon form of Peter’s name used only once elsewhere in the New Testament (Acts 15:14). A forger would likely use the more common “Peter” to convince readers. Additionally, the author claims to have been an eyewitness to the Transfiguration and to know of his impending death, as foretold by Jesus. Such personal details suggest authenticity.
If someone were forging a letter, they would likely borrow heavily from First Peter to establish continuity, but Second Peter addresses entirely different topics. This supports the argument that stylistic differences between the letters are due to their distinct purposes. First Peter addresses one issue, while Second Peter addresses another, naturally resulting in varied styles.
If Peter authored this letter, it must have been written before his death under Nero, whose reign ended in 68 AD. This places the writing of Second Peter around 66–67 AD.
Regarding its recipients, the letter does not specify a particular audience. However, in 3:1, Peter refers to it as his second letter to the same audience. If this is a follow-up to First Peter, it was written to the “elect exiles of the dispersion” in Asia Minor, comprising both Jewish and Gentile believers.
Simon Kistemaker outlines three purposes for the epistle:
- Encouraging spiritual growth (Chapter 1)
- Opposing false teachers (Chapter 2)
- Preparing for the end of the world and judgment (Chapter 3)
Peter, knowing his life was nearing its end, sought to equip Christians to persevere and grow in faith. He intended to prepare them to resist false teachers and remain steadfast in the truth, confident in Christ’s return and the final judgment.
Peter’s opening greeting reflects the purpose of the letter, structured under three key reminders:
- Believers are reminded of who they are.
- Believers are reminded of what they have.
- Believers are reminded of what they need.
Through these reminders, Peter calls his audience to stand firm in faith, ready for the challenges ahead.
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