
07-21-24 Heidelburg Catechism Lord’s Day 4 (Psalm 5:5) “God’s Just Condemnation Of Rebel Sinners” Noah Olguin

07-21-24  Peter 2:13-17 “Freed To Be Servants” Noah Olguin

07-14-24 1 Peter 2:11,12 “The Pilgrim Life” Noah Olguin

07-07-24 Heidelburg Catechism Lord’s Day 3 (Ecclesiastes 7:29) “Created In God’s Image But Reflecting Adam’s” Noah Olguin

07-07-24 1 Peter 2:9,10 “God’s Mercy Lifts Us Up To Serve Him” Noah Olguin

06-30-24 Q & A “Samuel, Satan, and Nephilim” Noah Olguin

06-30-24 1 Peter 2:4-8 “A Temple Built By God Upon Jesus” Noah Olguin

06-16-24 Heidelburg Catechism Lord’s Day 2 (Romans 3:20) “The Misery Of The Unregenerate Man” Noah Olguin

06-16-24 1 Peter 1:22-25 “Our Call To Mutual Brotherly Love” Noah Olguin

06-09-24 1 Peter 1:20-21 “The Comfort We Find In Salvation” Noah Olguin

06-02-24 Isaiah 26:3 “The Gospel Duty Of A Stayed Mind” Dabney Olguin

06-02-24 1 Peter 1:17-19 “Motivations To Live With Fear Before God in the World” Noah Olguin

05-26-24 Q & A “Divorce and Remarriage” Noah Olguin

05-26-24 1 Peter 1:13-16 “Peter’s Exhortation For Obedient Living” Noah Olguin

05-19-24 Heidelberg Catechism Day 1 (Romans 14:7-8) “Only In Christ Do We Locate The Comfort Image Bearers Need” Noah Olguin

05-19-24 1 Peter 1: 10-12 “The Privilege of Our Salvation In Christ” Noah Olguin

05-12-24 1 Peter 1:6-9 “Living With The Right Expectations” Noah Olguin

05-05-24 Ecclesiastes 12:9-14 “Solomon”s Plea to Choose Wisdom and Not Vanity” Noah Olguin

05-05-24 1 Peter 1:3-5 “Focus On the Blessings of Being God’s People” Noah Olguin

“Divorce and Remarriage” is a Sunday School lesson from a Question and Answer series taught from selected Scriptures by Noah Olguin, pastor of Covenant Baptist Church in New Berlin, Wisconsin –…
“The Privilege of Our Salvation In Christ” is a sermon preached from 1 Peter 1:10-12 by Noah Olguin, pastor of Covenant Baptist Church in New Berlin, Wisconsin – a confessional Reformed…
“Only In Christ Do We Locate The Comfort Image Bearers Need” is a sermon preached from Questions 1 and 2 (Lord's Day 1) of the Heidelberg Catechism based on Romans…
“Living With The Right Expectations” is a sermon preached from 1 Peter 1:6-9 by Noah Olguin, pastor of Covenant Baptist Church in New Berlin, Wisconsin – a confessional Reformed Baptist…
“Solomon's Plea to Choose Wisdom and Not Vanity” is a sermon preached from Ecclesiastes 12:9-14 by Noah Olguin, pastor of Covenant Baptist Church in New Berlin, Wisconsin – a confessional…
“Focus On the Blessings of Being God's People” is a sermon preached from 1 Peter 1:3-5 by Noah Olguin, pastor of Covenant Baptist Church in New Berlin, Wisconsin – a…
“Knowing Who You Are Provides Comfort Through Suffering” is a sermon preached from 1 Peter 1:1-2 by Noah Olguin, pastor of Covenant Baptist Church in New Berlin, Wisconsin – a…
“What Truly Matters” is a sermon preached from Galatians 6:11-18 by Noah Olguin, pastor of Covenant Baptist Church in New Berlin, Wisconsin – a confessional Reformed Baptist church subscribing to…
“Living Before Our Creator” is a sermon preached from Ecclesiastes 12:1-8 by Noah Olguin, pastor of Covenant Baptist Church in New Berlin, Wisconsin – a confessional Reformed Baptist church subscribing…
“The Difference Between True And False Professors” is a sermon preached from Galatians 6:11-18 by Noah Olguin, pastor of Covenant Baptist Church in New Berlin, Wisconsin – a confessional Reformed…